
目前显示的是 九月, 2017的博文

what is the best wheat flour milling machine available in Uganda?

what is the best  wheat flour milling machine  available in Uganda? Uganda, The capital city is Kampala. located in eastern Africa, across the equator, east of Kenya, south of Tanzania and Rwanda, west of Congo (DRC), north south of Sultan, a total area of 241 thousand and 500 square kilometers. Most of the territory is located in the East African plateau, many lakes, the average elevation of 1000~1200 meters, there are "plateau water village," said. Uganda was originally coastal residents in East Africa on his people of the State - Buganda call, at the end of nineteenth Century to early twentieth Century the Europeans expanded the meaning to neighboring areas.   Uganda is an agricultural country, and agriculture dominates the national economy. In 2006, agricultural GDP accounted for 29.4% of the total value of GDP (industry accounted for 22.1%, third industry accounted for 48.5%), agricultural employment accounted for 80% of the national employment population, 74% o